Arkiv för kategori ‘Allmän info’

Supremski complete the switch to Rebels

Postat: december 18, 2012 av nephenzy23 i Allmän info


We are pleased to present another signing. This time it’s Supremski from Sons of the Morning. A very experienced defender who is a complete player both offensive and defensive. He is a type of defender that can create plays and shut down games. Supremski will fit in our squad perfectly in will be the last piece of the puzzle towards the next tournament. We have been searching to fill some holes in our squad and now we feel that we got what we need to be as strong as possible. Maybe a backup goalie would be of interest but we feel that we have a lot to work with right now.

Old BIF captains reunion

Postat: december 14, 2012 av nephenzy23 i Allmän info, Spelarpresentation

Tjandor aka Isindar join Rebels from Sons of the Morning. Nephenzy and Tjandor have played NHL together since 04, they started and ran BIF Blizzards throughout 09-11. It has been a strange feeling for both of us to be in diffrent teams for so long, almost a year now. This would never have happened if it wasn’t because some difficult circumstances in Synergy Hockey.

Johan Jonsson

Located Tjandor behind the hydroslicer at the local bakery in Bollnäs to ask him some questions.

Why do you choose to leave Sons?
It didn’t really turn out the way that I hoped with the merging of Synergy Hockey and OTP Heroes. Looking for a fresh start to get my motivation back. To play alongside you (Nephenzy) is also a big part of this decision.

How disappointed we’re you with your quarterfinal loss?
I always hate to loose but all credits to Laser HT they played really well.

Did you ever feel that Sons could have won EHL?
We had the players that could have make it to the finals, but not the right chemistry in the end.

What do you think of DRS and what will you contribute to the team?
I liked Drunken ever since they showed up early NHL12 on ps3 it’s a nice bunch of guys. It’s a team with an attitude that hopefully suits me. I hope that I can contribute with a solid teamplay and a never give up mentality. It ain’t over until the fat Hali sings!

Tjandor used to play an average of 1500+ games each year and on this version NHL13 he barely has reached 200 club games. Rebels will be perfect place for him to find his game again. Friday night hockey with some beer will surely lure him out of the caves, drop the sword and grab a hockey stick again. This guy is a winner and adds a dimension to our team for the coming tournaments, he has titles both individual and with his clubs. A team player with great skills and vision for the game, a player that always thinks of what’s best for the group first.


A whole new game

Postat: oktober 24, 2012 av mordarelefanten i Allmän info, EHL

Finally EA released the patch we all been waiting for! NHL13 has been a big leap from the previous years games, and although a lot has been improved, it’s also been painfully obvious the game was not ready for release in September. I think the biggest setback was the fact that the game moved kind of slow. Your player would take half a second to react after he picked up the puck…just enough time for your opponent to use that super POKE on you. This made just about every team extremely cautious to pass the puck. It just wasn’t worth the risk. The patch has indeed changed a lot of what was frustrating with the game before. It just flows better. Gameplay is quicker. You can actually benefit from a good passing play. Still…you will be punished for bad decisions when it comes to passing. I think the game is far more balanced at the moment. Then there is the frame rate issues. The game never really flowed before…but around 2 weeks ago it somehow became so bad for me that I just gave up on playing eashl. When you are sure you are timing a perfect body check and afterwards realize you got penalized for hitting a guy 5 metres away…well its not that fun. After several phone calls to my internet company measuring ping values etc we came to the conclusion that the problem was not my internet but in fact the EA servers. The frame rate seems to be fixed though so I can only hope the game will flow as good in the future. The timing for the patch is pretty goddamn perfect considering the EHL just started. I guess its gonna be a whole new game. Its gonna be real interesting to see if the teams that have done well so far in eashl will continue to do as well when the pace picks up speed.


Drunken Rebels make adjustments to the squad

Postat: oktober 19, 2012 av mordarelefanten i Allmän info, EHL

Drunken Rebels journey in NHL13 has been a bit of a roller-coaster so far. We play extremely well many of the games and have a decent winning percentage against most of our EHL-rivals. Still, we are ranked somewhere around 200 in eashl. Ladder is not important…however it does give you an indication of how well you are playing at the moment.

We have analyzed why the performance is so different from one day to another. One of the reasons are that we lack consistency in our squad and what positions we play. We have 4 right wingers to start with. That’s a problem. The game NHL 13 itself has been a big step for many of us. Sometimes I feel the game-plan and tactics come second hand to just learning how to skate and score. Trying to find chemistry in the squad has been more difficult than ever.

Therefore the GM’s of DRS have made the very difficult decision to put the players Zlaktarn and Ooh Puck on the free agency-list. They both are great guys and good players, but at the moment DRS needs to find a balance in the game and improve our teamwork. We are aware that the time frame of this decision is not optimal neither for the player or the team, the decision being a difficult one has been a bit too delayed because of its nature. We can only hope the players understand that the decisions we make are not to be mean to anyone but to make sure the club is in harmony.

September Summary

Postat: september 30, 2012 av nephenzy23 i Allmän info, Resultat
Etiketter:, ,

We had a really horrible start in NHL13. The first weekend were frustrating in many ways like we didn’t matchup our goalie when we searched and OT losses was counted as a regular loss. I recall that we had a record of 4-14-0 first day and something like 10-35-0 after the first weekend. We kept our patience and worked our way through this as a team.

First month of this game has been a lot about ai goalies versus human goalies, pokes and frame rate issues. I think that some pieces are beginning to fall into place, they still have to tune down the ai goalie in EASHL but after the latest tuner you acctually can get a penalty from poke checks.

As for the console my personal opinion is that it has been more fun to play on Xbox. We meet swedes almost every game, teams that have been together for a long time. I don’t know how things are at ps3 now but that was something I really missed in NHL12.

We have played a lot these playoffs days but for some reason those stats haven’t been counted in our overall stats. We got the points as usual in regular matchups but no games or overall rank has changed during the playoffs. EHL on Console Network is coming up in october and we are looking forward to keep working on our game.

65,1% win

Can you just be too good at face-offs?

Postat: september 22, 2012 av mordarelefanten i Allmän info

Let me start by saying that Jesus Kristuz is a great center and player. He is excellent at face-offs for one thing…and maybe yesterday he was a little too good at winning face offs for his team Company of Geeks when they played us. Well….have a look.

Anrh 17 gets it!

Postat: september 19, 2012 av mordarelefanten i Allmän info

As a D-man in EASHL there are basically two things that gets your juices pumping. The Goals with a slapper from the blue-line (which doesnt seem to happen that often with NHL13) and then there are the hits! Knocking someone over is just as fun as scoring a goal…if not more. And it becomes even greater when the one you are hitting is actually someone you know.

Sorry about this one Anrh17…but you kind of knew it was coming :D

PS3 Hora eller Xbox Bög?

Postat: september 18, 2012 av mordarelefanten i Allmän info

För några dagar sedan skrev jag en kommentar i Pulvers blogg där jag uttryckte åsikten att communityn på PS3 kändes tajtare och mer rivaliserande än Xbox dito. Jag tog som exempel att man inte fått några arga meddelanden ännu från andra svenska lag. Det missuppfattades en aning…säkerligen eftersom folk under en viss ålder har en tendens att tänka på sin konsol som om den vore deras mamma, och allt som kan tolkas negativt om henne måste såklart huggas ner. Vilken typ av arga meddelanden jag menade är väl de flesta på PS3:an rätt medvetna om. Det är inte Xbox-killarna, men nu har i alla fall en modig om än inte särskilt begåvad kille stigit fram och gjort ett….ehhh tappert försök 😀

Det kommer från Irriducibli’s GM El Guano Loco, och även om jag uppskattar försöket så blev jag mycket besviken på kvalitén i messet. Det är inte provocerande. Där finns ingen finess. Nej det är inte ens så dumt att man bara kan garva åt det. Det är om möjligt lite gulligt faktiskt. Vad ska man svara? Xbox Bög!?

Om man jämför det med meddelanden som ”Go suck some raindeer cock!” så förstår man att där finns en del att jobba på för Irriduciblis GM, i den ädla konsten att förolämpa 🙂

Till och med min nedsupne backkollega skickar bättre mess när jag inte orkar backchecka tillräckligt hårt

Jesus pratar om ps3

Postat: september 6, 2012 av nephenzy23 i Allmän info

Tror att det är fler ps3 spelare som följer våran blogg än Jesus från Company of Geeks ramjagsinghluktarcurry blogg men här är en ganska flummig podcast på engelska. En bit in efter hälften börjar de pratar en hel del om ps3 lag och några ps3 spelare som kanske många ps3 gamers finner intressant. Annat intressant som nämndes var att amerikanska EASHL forumet som fanns på operationsports har flyttat. NHL Podcast The return of The king

Silly Season

Postat: september 4, 2012 av nephenzy23 i Allmän info, Spelarpresentation

2 Rutinerade xbox spelare ansluter till klubben och därmed är Silly Season är avklarad i DRS. Ska försöka sammanfatta det hela, presentera hela truppen och de nya spelarna.

Sommaren bjöd på ett par riktigt tunga förluster när 2 gamla hederliga rebeller Zejiro och Seaberg tog en paus eller lägger av på obestämd tid. Ett byte av konsol satte även stopp för fortsatt spel i klubben för FK och Skau. Otroligt härliga spelare och personligheter som vi alla kommer sakna framöver. Hoppas på den bästa lyckan för dessa grabbar och att vi kommer att ses på isen igen i framtiden.

Vi hade därmed haft en del att jobba med i sommar, dels att ersätta luckan som uppstod i GM staben och dessutom försöka fylla dessa hål i laget… Började glädjande nog med att Slynet bestämde sig för en comeback samt att Haligax valde att byta klubb från Sons of the Morning. Det gav oss lite arbetsro så att vi kunde leta lugnt efter de sista pusselbitarna samt att få in Flexxnes i GM staben. Det blev tillslut dessa 2 rutinerade och hockeyintresserade xbox spelarna som förstärker klubben inför NHL13. För oss känns det som att de passar perfekt in i gruppen både som personer och spelare, med deras rutin med spel på xbox sedan NHL09 kommer bli värdefulla för laget.

#77 Matt Slaughter (Zlaktarn) HF/C  – En spelare med bra spelsinne och passningar, stark defensivt och en hög lägstanivå.
Tidigare klubbar: L7 Angels, Angels, Big Red Machine, Swedleague Royals, Smell the Glove, Knights, Swedleague Knights, Nordic Jets, Ewing Oilers, Inte Helt 100

#79 David ”Pucken” Asserfors (ooh puck) LB/RB – En defensiv back med främsta styrkor som speluppfattning, positionering och passningsspel. Ovärderlig spelartyp för ett lag med en spelare som alltid försöker ligga på rätt sida.
Tidigare Klubbar: Resurrected, L7 Angels, Angels, Smell The Glove, Knights, Swedleague Knights, Nordic Jets, Swedleague Royals, Inte Helt 100

Hela Truppen
7. FleXXnes
8. Haligax
9. Smutto
12. F_Normark
13. Stanted
19. Slynet
23. Nephenzy
28. Norpee
32. Siickan
37. Siljaman
39. Mordarelefanten
77. Zlaktarn
79. ooh puck